Release Notes
Release Notes - OMniLeads 2.3.1
oml-712 Fix on Kamailio environments variables.
Release Notes - OMniLeads 2.3.0
oml-2843 Close Whatsapp conversations command.
oml-2724 Better notifications in case of External site interaction errors.
oml-2765 Show transfer conference members.
oml-2732 Consultative transfers to campaigns enabled.
oml-2810 (Pro) Bulk Messaging for Whatsapp Business
oml-2679 Docker deploy refactor (devenv, testenv & prodenv).
oml-659 Upgrade to kamailio 5.8 & improve container img size.
oml-658 Upgrade to Rtpengine mr13.0.1.5 & improve container img size.
oml-2825 Whatsapp Interactive Menu form validations
oml-697 Time groups & Time conditions fix.
oml-697 Telephony channel audio prompts container volume.
oml-2854 Optimizations to allow loading big Blacklists.
oml-2831 Identify Whatsapp contact now shows phone field correctly.
oml-2856 IVR name change is reflected in IVR as Destination Option.
oml-2862 Hide Whatsapp Providers "Password Partner" field.
oml-2861 Fix Whatsapp line wizzard initial field data bug.
Release Notes - OMniLeads 2.2.3
oml-2796 [OMLAPP] Campaigns Agents list saved in redis
oml-655 [OMLAPP][ANSIBLE] Add proxy web deploy parameters
oml-2826 [OMLAPP] Agent status list API is added
oml-2839 [OMLAPP] Problem dialing numbers starting with '0'
oml-686 [ANSIBLE] restore playbook on AIT & AIO env
Release Notes - OMniLeads 2.2.2
oml-2747 Show Whatsapp Line Status
oml-2757 Multiple level interactive menu for Whatsapp Line destination.
oml-2785 Inbound Routes can have Agents as a destination.
Agent event stream data expires after 2 days.
oml-2817 Force Disposition report column order.
Strange django migration dependency problems
Release Notes - OMniLeads 2.2.1
oml-2813 Evil reload on rss parameter for uwsgi config.
oml-2720 Prevent button click while fetch is in progress.
Release Notes - OMniLeads 2.2.0
oml-2752 [OMLAPP]: Allow contact creation from the WhatsApp conversation window.
oml-2730 [OMLAPP]: Manual calls can be restricted by campaign type in group configuration.
oml-2749 [OMLAPP]: Allow the creation of Group of Hours from the WhatsApp line edit/create window.
oml-2772 [OMLAPP]: API to get campaign agents and call status.
oml-2745 [OMLAPP]: New Number field for disposition forms.
oml-2751 [OMLAPP]: Deactivation of WhatsApp templates.
oml-2729 [OMLAPP]: Use CRM data for inbound call contact identification.
oml-2780 [OMLAPP]: Agent ID is sent in the login API response.
oml-2781 [OMLAPP]: TOKEN_EXPIRED_AFTER_SECONDS can be configured via an environment variable.
oml-2748 [OMLAPP]: Allow message template creation from the WhatsApp line edit/create window.
oml-003 [ANSIBLE]: Multi-tenant centralized backup based on Object Storage Bucket.
oml-575 [ANSIBLE]: Scalability tweaks configurations for Redis & PostgreSQL.
oml-599 [ANSIBLE]: HA deployment was optimized across all components on two VMs.
oml-599 [ACD]: Asterisk was upgraded to 20.9.3.
oml-2784 [OMLAPP]: Line deletion is now allowed for associated lines.
oml-2732 [OMLAPP] [AGENT-TOOL]: Allow consultative transfer to inbound campaigns.
oml-599 [ANSIBLE]: The parameters for configuring scalability (scale_rtpengine, scale_asterisk, & scale_uwsgi) are now set with "True" instead of "true". You will need to apply this change to your production inventory.yml.
oml-633 [OMLAPP]: Web workers UWSGI recycle for scale tuning scenarios.
oml-2764 [OMLAPP]: Error sending multimedia content via WhatsApp.
oml-2763 [OMLAPP]: Error creating contact without the 'telefono' field in the contact database.
oml-614 [OMLAPP]: Error generating Asterisk Music On Hold paths.
oml-652 [ACD]: Error with Asterisk config generator when the omnileads user UID is different from 1000.
Release Notes - OMniLeads 2.1.0
oml-2668 [OMLAPP] Audio File creation using TTS Services
oml-2675 [OMLAPP] Whatsapp multimedia mesagges
oml-2731 [OMLAPP] Added Ringall strategy for inbound and dialer campaigns
oml-2734 [OMLAPP] Inbound Campaigns Supervision shows abandoned calls percentage row.
oml-589 [ACD] Upgrade Asterisk 20.9.1.
oml-589 [ACD] The asterisk_reloader script, which generates the business logic configuration, now runs in a separate container.
oml-2723 [OMLAPP] Allow ignoring SSL validation in External Site Authentication requests
oml-2740 Whatsapp conversations are not blocked after detecting error
oml-2754 Whatsapp Interactive menu options restricted to numbers only
oml-2728 [OMLAPP] Fix error on Whatsapp conversation initialization
oml-2739 [OMLAPP] Fix Outbound Route Pattern validation
oml-578 [ACD] Fix consultative transfer call recording
Release Notes - OMniLeads 2.0.2
oml-2700 [OMLAPP]: Agents to transder ordered by Ready state
oml-2674 [OMLAPP]: Whatsapp conversations can be exported to .csv file
oml-2701 [OMLAPP]: Event Audit allows filtering by day
oml-2703 [OMLAPP]: New Outbound Routes regex for special characters
oml-2708 [OMLAPP]: Several reports button blocked on click to prevent server overload
oml-2162 [OMLAPP]: Tests optimization
oml-570 [ANSIBLE]: django.env template and CORS_ORIGIN inventory variable
oml-2444 [NGINX]: Download PDF reports
oml-571 [OMLAPP]: Download call recording pool as zip
oml-2717 [WEBSOCKETS]: Websockets interrupt execution due to an exception
oml-2669 [OMLAPP]: Inconsistent agents activity logging
oml-2569 [OMLAPP]: Previous day data showing in Inbound calls Supervision
oml-2222 [OMLAPP]: Fix External Site Json Authentication
Release Notes - OMniLeads 2.0.1
oml-557 [ANSIBLE]: Parameters for scalability are added (uwsgi, kamailio & rtpengine)
oml-557 [ANSIBLE]: Fix swap create
Release Notes 2.0.0
WhatsApp Bussiness API Integration to Inbound Campaigns via GupShup (Beta)
Adoption of object-oriented storage as the exclusive format for storing recordings and other files generated by each interaction.
Plug & play compatibility with the Grafana, Prometheus & Loki stack for observability.
Voice Channel: The ability to transcribe voice recordings using deep learning models has been implemented (low level implementation)
Voice Channel: Integration was implemented using Google TTS SaaS or PicoTTS for offline OMniLeads TTS (low level implementation)
Interaction with PicoTTS and other SaaS-based TTS services to generate audio for announcements, IVR, etc. (low level implementation)
RabbitMQ: A new component for processing asynchronous tasks such as handling recordings, transcription, sentiment analysis, etc. (low level implementation)
Voice Channel [Recordings]: The process of converting to MP3 and uploading to S3 has been decoupled using a new component to improve performance and scalability.
Cambios en Componentes
Support for modern Operating Systems via Docker or Podman: Ubuntu, Debian, Rocky Linux, Alma Linux, OpenSuse, others.
Support for Multiple Cloud Providers: Amazon Web Services, Digital Ocean, OVH, Linode, others.
Django 3.2.
Postgres 14.
Asterisk 20.7.
Kamailio 5.6.
Release Notes 1.33.4
OML-2585 [WEB] [API] Nuevo punto de conexión para cargar contactos masivos desde el CRM.
OML-463 [DOCKER] Ahora es posible migrar a OMniLeads Enterprise sin editar el archivo docker-compose YAML.
OML-463 [ANSIBLE] Se añadió la bandera "--rm" a los comandos de ejecución de podman run que lanzan los playbooks de respaldo y Django.
OML-463 [WEB] [HA] Los scripts de inicio para la aplicación web UWSGI (comandos de Django) han sido modificados.
OML-463 [ANSIBLE] [HA] Se cambió el orden en el script de acciones de conmutación por error (
OML-463 [ANSIBLE] [HA] Playbook de componentes de Django, Asterisk, Cron y Nginx para implementar en HA.
OML-2586 [WEB] Se completaron las traducciones pendientes al inglés y portugués.
OML-475 [ASTERISK] Las llamadas que comienzan en un día y terminan en el siguiente no se pueden reproducir ni descargar.
OML-463 [ANSIBLE] Ahora es posible migrar a Omnileads Enterprise sin la bandera "enterprise_edition:" en el archivo inventory.yml.
Versiones de Componentes de OMniLeads
Release Notes 1.33.0
OML-2540 Fix y Mejora al persistir cambios en Constance a través de Django admin
OML-2541 Ahora es posible modificar dinámicamente el Sitio Externo (Integración a CRM) al editar campañas.
OML-2398 Se agrega soporte para Simple Authentication de Microsofto Active Directory.
Release Notes 1.32.0
OML-2482 Se amplía la cantidad de caracteres especiales como parámetros de Interacción de CRM Externo.
OML-2506 Fix de selección de campo "dirección" al crear campañas con Integración a Google Maps.
OML-2499 Fix de posiciones de elementos y columnas en Exportación a PDF de Reporte de campañas.
OML-2484 Optimización en el proceso de Agendamiento Personal/Global por contacto.
OML-2457 Se incluye soporte de Autenticación Externa para usuarios OMniLeads.
OML-2472 Se añade modelo de Autenticación Externa via LDAP (Lightweight Directory Access Protocol).
OML-2473 Ahora es posible crear o editar usuarios y seleccionar su método de autenticación externa.
OML-2474 Se añade información de método de Login utilizado para la Vista de Usuarios.
OML-2504 [Reporting Pro] Fix bug contabilización errónea en llamadas que abarcan dos días.
OML-2505 [Reporting Pro] Fix ajuste erróneo en cambios de horario de verano.
OML-2508 [Reporting Pro] Se añade información de Grupo en las vistas de reportes de agente.
Release Notes 1.31.0
OML-2479 Mejora estética en form de transferencia de llamadas
OML-2478 Fix en Transferencias a Campañas frente a ID's cacheados de manera incorrecta
OML-2471 Fix en generación de reportes
OML-2460 Ahora es posible conocer el Status del Agente en Transferencias entre pares
OML-2430 El Status de Troncales VoIP se pueden visualizar directamente desde la vista de troncales.
OML-2461 Nueva funcionalidad para clonar agentes a partir de skills y permisos de grupo
OML-2462 Ahora es posible visualizar en entrantes los datos de gestión previa de un contacto, y conocer el agente que recibió su atención
OML-2476 Mejoras cosméticas en dashboard de agente - histórico de calificaciones
Release Notes 1.30.0
New Features, Bug Fixes and Optimizations.
OML-2470: Fix error when calculating agent statistics report for agent dashboard
OML-2454: Fix error when logging Hold events
OML-2439: Optimization for Call Disposition Report
OML-2464: Fix timeout for External URL Interaction
OML-2445: Fix error in Time Pauses for Agent Reports
OML-2283: Add Campaigns Selection in User Creation Wizard
OML-2418: Add alert when data base is reused
OML-2424: Detection of agent status when microphone is disabled
OML-2417: Ability to transfer contact information between campaigns with shared Database
OML-2429 Disable form selection for already used Call Dispositions in Campaign Wizard
OML-2419 Add alert when transferring a call if contact information is not saved
Release Notes 1.29.0
New Features, Bug Fixes and Optimizations.
OML-2400: Allow transfers from agents to agents without Group Restrictions
OML-2403: Fix Supervisor privileges when managing agents in campaigns
OML-2411: Now it is possible to split deactivated contact from Database Results in Preview Campaigns
OML-2401: Audit Module allows now to download to CSV preselected audit registers
OML-2404: Database management: Contact Databases not in use can be deleted from platform.
OML-2416: Fix in Agent Report (Connected Calls) when CX Survey has no data.
Release Notes 1.28.0
New Features, Bug Fixes and Optimizations.
OML-2399 Fix in CRM Parameters when special characters are used.
OML-2392 Lost Calls are now correctly registered in Webphone activity
OML-2391 New Group Filter is added in Agent List View
OML-2388 Fix in Call Disposition Report when Global/Personal Callback are displayed.
OML-2384 Recording Module is modified in order to show Call Disposition editions to a Contact number.
OML-2364 Fix in minor Call Disposition Report issues when displaying results.
OML-2336 Fix in Roles module when applying permissions from other role.
Release Notes 1.27.0
Nuevas Funcionalidades
OML-2361: Se añade la posibilidad de generar Metadata para posterior data-analysis sobre grabaciones de llamadas
OML-2352: Se optimizan los reciclados de bases de datos
OML-2338: Optimzación sobre el manejo de «tiempo de Hold» cuando no existe evento de cierre explicito
OML-2353: Restricción sobre caracteres de Nombre de Base de Contactos
OML-2247: Se añade la posibilidad de obtener el detalle sobre tipo de pausa Productiva/recreativa en consola de agente
OML-2349: Se añade información de Transferencias efectuadas al addon CX-Survey en Reportes de Agentes
OML-2385: Optimización en Vista de Agregado de Contactos a Base de Campaña
OML-2386: Se optimizan consultas SQL sobre el Módulo de Grabaciones cuando el filtro es por Calificación
Bug fixes & Optimizaciones
OML-2359: Fix en eliminación de asignaciones de contactos sobre campañas preview ya finalizadas
OML-2351: Fix en Grupos Horarios y Destinos Personalizados al regenerar configuración telefónica
OML-2358: Fix en Paginación de Lista de Previews de Agente cuando hay mas de 10 campañas asignadas
OML-2354: Fix en evento de forzar calificación cuando Auto-Despausa está configurado.
OML-2350: Fix en opción de Hangup sobre eventos de timeout de espera en cola
OML-2355: Fix en longitud de Checkbox sobre opción Grabar en Wizard de Campaña.
OML-2292: Fix sobre URLs de archivos de grabación cuando los mismos apuntan a un Bucket S3 (object-storage)
OML-2383: Fix en Liberar y Reservar Contactos Preview cuando las bases de contactos se comparten.
Última actualización