Deploy using Docker

It is required to have Docker-Engine installed in the deployment environment (Linux, Mac, or Windows). In the following section, we will cover the steps necessary to have OMniLeads running in dockerized environments.

and the following cloned repository:

git clone
cd omldeploytool/docker-compose

OMniLeads & Docker Compose

In the directory, we will find 3 Docker Compose files:

1) docker-compose.yml: It is used to launch the stack of containers on the workstation where Docker Desktop resides.

2) docker-compose_prod.yml: used to launch the stack on a Cloud VPS (Virtual Private Server) or VM (Virtual Machine).

3) docker-compose_prod_external_bucket.yml: Similar to the previous scenario, but including an external bucket (Object Storage - S3).

To create a .env file, copy the example env file provided in the repository:

$ cp env .env 

According to the chosen scenario, we will follow the steps described in each section:

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