Webphone Demo

WebPhone Demo

This is a demo of how the webphone works, using Flask as a backend. All the content is in the demo folder. To run this code you must:

  1. Edit the config object in the views.py file with your OMniLeads configuration

config = {
     'URL_API_CREDENTIALS': 'https://OML_HOST/api/v1/webphone/credentials/', // Your OML instance
     'client_username': 'client_username',   // Your OML WebPhone Client User username.
     'client_password': 'clientpassword',    // Your OML WebPhone Client User password.
  1. Edit these variables in the templates/index.html file

'KamailioHost': "X.X.X.X", // This is the LAN IP of you OMniLeads instance
'WebSocketPort': "443", // This is the port you se to connect via Web browser to your OMniLeads instance
'WebSocketHost': "domain.example.com", // This is the domain name you use to connect via Web browser to your OMniLeads instance
  1. Install flask and run it locally

$ pip install Flask
$ pip install pyopenssl
$ cd demo/
$ FLASK_APP=webphone.py FLASK_DEBUG=1 flask run --cert=adhoc

Finally, navigate to:


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