📊Backoffice - Management audit

Management audit (backoffice)

This module allows you to define system users assigned to audit each "positive action" generated by an agent in each campaign. It is common in Contact Center operations that the workflow involves, on the one hand, agents and supervisors coordinating the communication management operation, and on the other hand, the audit or backoffice sector controlling that each record qualified as "positive action" (or sale) has been correctly instrumented by the agent.

OMniLeads provides a module in which auditors can list all the actions carried out by agents, and then inspect them one by one, validating the authenticity of the action, based on the parameters specific to the operation. Auditors have the possibility of displaying the contact information, the form completed by the agent and the recordings linked to the action.


Let's try to illustrate how the module works with the help of the following diagram:

The first thing to clarify is that only records with a management rating (Campaigns, ratings and forms) will be sent to the audit module. This is where auditors can then work on each "pending" record, as well as download the selected interactions to CSV at will:

For each record, the auditor may enter to analyze the management:

In the detailed view, you can play the recordings related to the management, and also display both the contact data and the data entered in the management form:

The audited records can be classified as:

Approved operation: The auditor verifies by analysing the recordings, contact details and fields completed in the operation form that the operation has been successful.

Rejected operation: The auditor detects by analysing the recordings, contact details and fields completed in the operation form that the operation does not meet the requirements to be approved.

Observed operation: The auditor detects by analysing the recordings, contact details and fields completed in the operation form that the operation has been successful, but sends it back to the agent (with the relevant explanation) so that he can carry out the operation again and call the contact again.

Behavior of an observed management

As we have already mentioned, the actions that the auditor observes are actions that the agent must carry out again, seeking to overcome the observations left by the auditor, in order to lift the same and obtain a subsequent approval. The agent can see the result of the audits carried out on his actions, by entering the Ratings view within the agent screen. There, he will be able to notice an observation, being able to read the description of the problem left by the auditor.

Once the agent performs the procedure again, the auditor will be able to inspect and finally decide whether to approve, reject or observe again.

Search filters

The module has the typical search filters (by agent, campaign, date, etc.). However, it is worth pointing out that it is possible to search for records by contact ID in the database. That is, use the unique identifier of the contact within the database uploaded to the system. To do this, the External Contact ID field is used.


In order to filter using the aforementioned field, it is necessary that the corresponding field has been indicated at the time of uploading the database.

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